Friday, January 15, 2010

Blog Post-3


So here I’m again... Starting afresh for my second post...First of all I would like to thank to all those individuals who read my first blog (deleted now) and also to those who at least visited it once...Keeping my hit counter busy. ;)

It has been cold and breezy from last couple of days...I passed my time by catching some zzz’s yesterday. I don’t think of any other option when given the choice to nap in winters. :)

So its Friday today.

Time for the release of Shahid’s Chance Pe Dance….Hmm eight-pack. I ponder sometimes that instead of concentrating on acting the actors of now are busy making packs. (No offence meant for you Shahid. I know you are amongst very talented actors and in top 10 of bollywood today). May be this is what gratifies the present generation. And of course they need to do something new to grab the attraction of viewers.

Also we had the longest solar eclipse of this century today. Fortunately a friend of mine had the special filter eyeglasses and we thus viewed the spectacle of eclipse.

Today I want to convey you two noteworthy messages through this post...The simple they sound to be the harder they are to implement in practical life. Most of us are aware of such things but often don’t give credit to them and realize it later that we have committed a mistake. I felt to write about this when I experienced some moments in life which I would like to forget ASAP.

It was pretty hard day yesterday...I almost lost a very good friend of mine...But the bond of friendship is not so weak I suppose. I first wondered at those who spoke to me about the conflict with so and so friend. I thought that this can never happen to me as my friends never had an iota of problems with me…But now I realize that it can happen to anyone.

So Firstly: - Do not let your best buddies go away from your life...You won’t get them in future again. It is not everyone whom you get emotionally attached to. Not many become a part of your life. Just give a thought to this.

And Secondly: - Do respect and Love your parents throughout your life… and please even more when they reach the autumn of their life.

You might be thinking of why I am saying such thing... But I suppose the above two messages or you may consider them as requests were very much imperative to convey.

Also few days back I listened to people debating on “Joint Family or Nuclear Family”

I think that the time has changed. It is sometimes not possible for an individual to live the life in joint family. What is more important is to love and respect parents rather to discuss on whether one has to live with them. I suppose it is often not possible for an individual to stay with parents. So in case it is not possible for you to live with your parents… love them so much (by any means) that they don’t feel that you are far away from them.

“Unme Rab Dikhta Hai”

Now if I think about writing for parents here then I may well end up with blog of record length ever written by an individual.

Few more points :-

*Try and give more emphasis to Mother’s day and Father’s day.

*Just one suggestion to Parents too: - ‘You must take out time for your children.’

*For those who are atheists: - If you do not believe in God or His presence is not felt then “Go and observe your PARENTS”

*Movies like Avtaar and Baghban is must watch for everyone.

*Make your parents happy whenever possible and if you can’t do that then at least don’t hurt them.

I never thought that this will be my second post. But I suppose the situation demanded me to write this.

A short poem that I read on some site.

I don't always show it
but you know that I do
appreciate how much
the both of you
have helped me with my life,
love, and career
and given me all of the things
that have gotten me here.
Thank you Mom and Dad.

Good Night

Umesh Motwani

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Bhopal, M.P, India
I'm pretty calm and serene guy.