Thursday, February 11, 2010

Blog Post-6


Save Tigers

I wish this situation never arouse where I need to write on this particular matter. But every wish does not get materialized. Anyways without talking much I would quickly like to come to the focal point of this blog which reflects the blunt truth of tigers becoming extinct.

The tiger is a unique animal which plays a pivotal role in the health and diversity of an ecosystem.

I see this very identity of our nation under threat. It is undeniable that it is the so called human beings who are culpable for present scenario. The dwindling population of our big cats is a big cause of concern. We in contemporary world cannot afford to neglect this anymore.

You might be well aware of the fact that just 1411 tigers are left in our country. Thanks to the people who have taken the initiative to advertise this figure through television. But this figure won’t take much time to reduce to three figures and depreciate even further if not taken care of.

Few variety of tigers ( Javan Tiger, Caspian Tiger, Bali Tiger) are already extinct. It is disheartening to fathom the answer of the question “Why are Tigers Killed?”

If the situation goes the same way as it is now then the day is not far when you will find all the varieties vanished. We certainly can’t bring back the lost ones but yes we can take steps to safeguard those left.
# Television now a day is great means of communication. Advertisements have the depth and sensitivity which can be used to pass the message to save tigers. It has indeed done a lot to grab the attention of everyone over the years.
# Stop cutting trees. Shelter is another important aspect in saving the tigers.
# Avoid using leather goods. Think twice before you purchase any leather stuff.
# One of the biggest threat to tigers is depletion of their chief prey like deer, wild pigs and wild cattle by local people. It is important to preserve them as well.
# I also appeal for harsh punitive measures against those who are involved in poaching.

Such steps are ought to be taken. It is never too late. We can still come up and save the Lord of Jungle.

This blog is just a mere effort from my side. So it is my humble request to everyone one of you to play your part to save our national animal. All these small efforts will make a huge difference.

Please come forward. We have to work diligently for this.

I would like you to read the content on the following web page please. Hope you will understand that it is ultimately we who will bear the brunt of tiger killings.

Now the message is clear as a bell. It is certainly not at all an easy job to accomplish until we all come up and work together. Each and every one of us need to contribute in some or the other way.

Please people… its Urgent… the situation now demands quick action… otherwise the day is not far where the coming generations will talk about Tigers as we do of dinosaurs and other vanished animals.

Our national animal needs help.

Save Tiger, Save Planet

Umesh Motwani

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Bhopal, M.P, India
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