Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Blog Post-8


C’mon India “Wipe Out” the Maoists

Maoists have been the biggest threat to our country. As per the known facts they have covered almost 182 out of 612 districts in India.

Since year 2000 over Six thousand people have been killed in Maoist attacks. The attacks now have become so frequent that on an average, couple of times in a month we get some news or the other of innocent people or security personnel slaughtered by Maoists.

The recent Maoists attack in Chhattisgarh claiming 27 lives of CRPF personnel was outrageous. This attack once again gave the evidence of bestial nature of Maoists. Tuesday’s massacre also pointed out the futility of the talks that the ministers of our country were looking forward to have with the Maoists. It should be realized that “Just like leopard can’t change its spots, Maoists can’t eschew violence”. It is time that ministers of India acknowledge the fact that some strict action is required to be undertaken.

Maoists strike at their will - killing security personnel and innocent people in huge numbers whenever they want. Attacks have become a routine now. It is shame for all the Indians that we are not able to rectify this problem and protect our land within. It is pretty conspicuous that we are losing the battle with Maoist rebels.

It is pity on the part of our country which boasts about its army to be the second largest in the world has not been able to deal with home grown terrorists firmly.

The government has become the mute spectator to such recurring violence. Oh yes one thing our government is very good at- doling the compensation to the bereaved families of the victims.

It is really sad to see so many of our country men dying due to the apathy of our policy makers. In this year alone we would have lost more lives to attacks from Maoists as compared to the terrorist attack in Mumbai, but we do not see a similar level of public anger. Is it because of the fact that the people losing their lives were CRPF jawans who put their lives in danger or they died in remote Jungles of Chhattisgarh instead of Mumbai? The least we can do is to share our thoughts amongst as many people and collectively put pressure on our policy makers. Its time they put the politics of vote behind them and lives of Indian citizens at foremost.

Catch them; kill them - to solve such movements, lest a country like ours which is progressing so well will be in shambles. Trial delays the process and finally they grow like bed bugs.

Calling the army and the air forces to end this menace is the need of the hour.

Umesh Motwani

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Blog Post-7


Valentine's Day

How can I miss to write on this… :)

So first of all I wish you all a very Happy Valentine Day.

Valentine Day named after Saint Valentine is the day to share the feeling of love and affection and fondness and tenderness with amalgam of emotions amongst friends. The day is much popularly celebrated by lovers to express love for each other. I need not explain more now as you know all this better than me… :P

You cannot ask for anything else when it falls on Sunday. The happiness of the love birds must have manifolded I suppose as they can make the most of this time and thus spend more time with one another.

Wait… Is that really so??

Or rather this day should fall on a working day so that it becomes easier for the adolescents to go out to spend time with beloved ones without giving any fraudulent excuses (for going out) to guardians.

I couldn’t really make out the judgment that which one of the two (Valentine day falling on a holiday or on a working day) is better. I think the choice varies from one couple to another. I might be wrong. But then to make a right decision in this regard I suppose one must have some experience. And adding to my hardship is the line that says…

“One cannot create experience; he/she has to undergo it”

Every year this day brings loads of excitement in me… Though I’m not able to infer exactly what this excitement is all about… May be that I expect something to happen every year. If not to me then to my deary friends at least. But it is more or less the same every year. Fortunately or unfortunately nothing happens. Now I’m not getting into to explain that what exactly words “nothing and something” mean in this paragraph. Not because I don’t want to but I myself find it difficult to elucidate them.

Talking about myself… No valentine as yet. On this day the lyrics of song “O Jaane Jaana” from the movie “Pyar Kiya Toh Darna kya” suits the best for me.
But as of now I don’t want to think much on this part. God will help me to read the chapter of love when the right time comes. So let me leave everything to Him.

But it is Valentine day… so if I envisage that I had a girlfriend…:)
(I think there is no harm in imagining it. In fact this may help me in future… ;)).

So now I’ll practice here to write few lines for her and hope that she won’t leave me or laugh at it when she read this in future because who knows I may ask her to read my blogs.

So following are few lines which strikes my head first when I dream of you.

“Only you can make this world seem right
Only you can make the darkness bright.
Only you and you alone
can thrill me like you do
and fill my heart with love for only you.”

Also few of my favorite songs that I would like to dedicate to you:-

“Tum Se Hi” (Jab we met)
“Kuch Khaas hai” (Fashion)
“Tera Hone Laga Hoon” (Ajab Prem)
“I have always loved you” (Enrique Iglesias)
“I do it for you” (Bryan Adams)


Enough now… allow me come out of the world of romantic fantasies.

For those lucky ones who have found and are presently with their respective valentines… All the very best… Enjoy the day and I wish you love each other the same way forever.

And for all my friends… I’d just like to say that…the day is for airing love. . This day is for all those you love whether they are your parents, your dearest sibs, your friends or some others around . So spread the love all around. May this Valentine’s Day vaporize every atom of hatred in your heart.

Love you all

(Note: - It was unfortunate to hear about the inauspicious blast in Pune yesterday evening. Several died and injured which also included foreigners. Let us pray for them and their family)

Umesh Motwani

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Blog Post-6


Save Tigers

I wish this situation never arouse where I need to write on this particular matter. But every wish does not get materialized. Anyways without talking much I would quickly like to come to the focal point of this blog which reflects the blunt truth of tigers becoming extinct.

The tiger is a unique animal which plays a pivotal role in the health and diversity of an ecosystem.

I see this very identity of our nation under threat. It is undeniable that it is the so called human beings who are culpable for present scenario. The dwindling population of our big cats is a big cause of concern. We in contemporary world cannot afford to neglect this anymore.

You might be well aware of the fact that just 1411 tigers are left in our country. Thanks to the people who have taken the initiative to advertise this figure through television. But this figure won’t take much time to reduce to three figures and depreciate even further if not taken care of.

Few variety of tigers ( Javan Tiger, Caspian Tiger, Bali Tiger) are already extinct. It is disheartening to fathom the answer of the question “Why are Tigers Killed?”

If the situation goes the same way as it is now then the day is not far when you will find all the varieties vanished. We certainly can’t bring back the lost ones but yes we can take steps to safeguard those left.
# Television now a day is great means of communication. Advertisements have the depth and sensitivity which can be used to pass the message to save tigers. It has indeed done a lot to grab the attention of everyone over the years.
# Stop cutting trees. Shelter is another important aspect in saving the tigers.
# Avoid using leather goods. Think twice before you purchase any leather stuff.
# One of the biggest threat to tigers is depletion of their chief prey like deer, wild pigs and wild cattle by local people. It is important to preserve them as well.
# I also appeal for harsh punitive measures against those who are involved in poaching.

Such steps are ought to be taken. It is never too late. We can still come up and save the Lord of Jungle.

This blog is just a mere effort from my side. So it is my humble request to everyone one of you to play your part to save our national animal. All these small efforts will make a huge difference.

Please come forward. We have to work diligently for this.

I would like you to read the content on the following web page please. Hope you will understand that it is ultimately we who will bear the brunt of tiger killings.

Now the message is clear as a bell. It is certainly not at all an easy job to accomplish until we all come up and work together. Each and every one of us need to contribute in some or the other way.

Please people… its Urgent… the situation now demands quick action… otherwise the day is not far where the coming generations will talk about Tigers as we do of dinosaurs and other vanished animals.

Our national animal needs help.

Save Tiger, Save Planet

Umesh Motwani

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Blog Post-5


Hey Friends

I’ll be leaving for Mumbai morrow. Packing is almost done as well.

No doubt I’ll miss my parents and my always ready to fight brother, each and every one of you (except those who’ll accompany me in the trip), the cricket matches going on (I hope India wins) and last but not the least… the blog.

I will be back on 27th.

Cya then.

Or rather… Hum Hain Rahi Pyar k

Phir Milenge Chalte Chalte.

Umesh Motwani

Monday, January 18, 2010

Blog Post-4

“Some Uncle”
It was heart-breaking start today as I was asked to get up 7:00am in the morning.
Mom yelled my name in short form (Umi) as she normally does.
Umi I guess wasn’t quite enough to wake me up and thus she made that Umiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii…….. The frequency of her voice is very much amplified. All Thanks to her college students.
I gained some sort of consciousness and made her stop by giving a feeble response saying ‘hmmmm’ with my brain still fogged with sleep. She asked me to go to railway station as ‘some uncle’ of mine was coming to Bhopal and the arrival time of train was 7:30am.
Now who cares for who or which uncle is coming when he is responsible for spoiling your wonderful sleep. I don’t enjoy getting up early in vacations and especially when I sleep late the night before. She informed me that ‘some uncle’ will be guest for today.
“Atithi Devo Bhavah” she said and nudged on my head as I was getting a bit restless. She always likes to tease me in such situations.
Mom always says to drink water after getting up. But drinking water so early in morning is no less than drinking a bitter melon juice in winters. I normally avoid it unless forced by mom. I reluctantly moved to brush the teeth then knowing that I have to put that ghostlike cold water in maw later for washing. But no doubt that it feels good after brushing.
I then had a taste of boiling milk which is no less than ‘Amrit’ in such cold. I then asked dad to give a check whether the train is late. It is always good to ask such questions in our country and that too when it is hazy in the morning.
To my surprise the train was on time. This news broke my heart second time. My face tried to give the mixed expression to reflect my surprisal as well as heart-breaking. I left home covering myself from top to bottom and reached railway station driving slowly as the environment was foggy. Not to much surprise this time as the station was deserted with the pin drop silence that you don’t see often.
The train arrived at 7:40. I suppose the driver never gave the engineering exams and thus didn’t understand the value of ten minutes. Anyways I couldn’t help the cause. When that ‘some uncle’ touched the platform I realized mom was talking about my ‘Mausaji’.
With the swarthy skin of his face and his grin, he was easily perceivable through the mist. I did manage to give a smile to reflect the happiness of him coming to Bhopal.
I’m considered as a good and well-mannered boy by every relative of mine and I had to act like the same in front of him too. So I bent down to touch his feet and asked to take the bag to lower the burden of his shoulders to which he blissfully said YES.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Blog Post-3


So here I’m again... Starting afresh for my second post...First of all I would like to thank to all those individuals who read my first blog (deleted now) and also to those who at least visited it once...Keeping my hit counter busy. ;)

It has been cold and breezy from last couple of days...I passed my time by catching some zzz’s yesterday. I don’t think of any other option when given the choice to nap in winters. :)

So its Friday today.

Time for the release of Shahid’s Chance Pe Dance….Hmm eight-pack. I ponder sometimes that instead of concentrating on acting the actors of now are busy making packs. (No offence meant for you Shahid. I know you are amongst very talented actors and in top 10 of bollywood today). May be this is what gratifies the present generation. And of course they need to do something new to grab the attraction of viewers.

Also we had the longest solar eclipse of this century today. Fortunately a friend of mine had the special filter eyeglasses and we thus viewed the spectacle of eclipse.

Today I want to convey you two noteworthy messages through this post...The simple they sound to be the harder they are to implement in practical life. Most of us are aware of such things but often don’t give credit to them and realize it later that we have committed a mistake. I felt to write about this when I experienced some moments in life which I would like to forget ASAP.

It was pretty hard day yesterday...I almost lost a very good friend of mine...But the bond of friendship is not so weak I suppose. I first wondered at those who spoke to me about the conflict with so and so friend. I thought that this can never happen to me as my friends never had an iota of problems with me…But now I realize that it can happen to anyone.

So Firstly: - Do not let your best buddies go away from your life...You won’t get them in future again. It is not everyone whom you get emotionally attached to. Not many become a part of your life. Just give a thought to this.

And Secondly: - Do respect and Love your parents throughout your life… and please even more when they reach the autumn of their life.

You might be thinking of why I am saying such thing... But I suppose the above two messages or you may consider them as requests were very much imperative to convey.

Also few days back I listened to people debating on “Joint Family or Nuclear Family”

I think that the time has changed. It is sometimes not possible for an individual to live the life in joint family. What is more important is to love and respect parents rather to discuss on whether one has to live with them. I suppose it is often not possible for an individual to stay with parents. So in case it is not possible for you to live with your parents… love them so much (by any means) that they don’t feel that you are far away from them.

“Unme Rab Dikhta Hai”

Now if I think about writing for parents here then I may well end up with blog of record length ever written by an individual.

Few more points :-

*Try and give more emphasis to Mother’s day and Father’s day.

*Just one suggestion to Parents too: - ‘You must take out time for your children.’

*For those who are atheists: - If you do not believe in God or His presence is not felt then “Go and observe your PARENTS”

*Movies like Avtaar and Baghban is must watch for everyone.

*Make your parents happy whenever possible and if you can’t do that then at least don’t hurt them.

I never thought that this will be my second post. But I suppose the situation demanded me to write this.

A short poem that I read on some site.

I don't always show it
but you know that I do
appreciate how much
the both of you
have helped me with my life,
love, and career
and given me all of the things
that have gotten me here.
Thank you Mom and Dad.

Good Night

Umesh Motwani

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Blog Post-2

I'm sorry for deleting my first blog.
Umesh Motwani


About Me

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Bhopal, M.P, India
I'm pretty calm and serene guy.